Leave All Behind

Christian MölkEmelkei Leave a Comment

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Leave All Behind

Written by Christian A Mölk.

C, Am
I want to leave all behind, I want to give all away
F, C, G
I want to see how much You care for me

C, Am
And I know I’ll be afraid, But I still walk on ahead,
F, C, G
Cause one day I will be saved for eternity

C, Am, F, C
/: Take my heart, take my gold, Take every part I hold
F, C, G
Cause I just want to see You shining down on me :/

C, Am
I want to leave all behind, Want to fight ´til the end
F, C, G
Cause now I know how much You care for me
C, Am
I’ve been touched by Your flame, I’ve been called upon by name
F, C, G
And now I know, I am saved for eternity


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