Be Brave

Christian MölkEmelkei Leave a Comment

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Be Brave

Text written by Dietmar Mölk.

Music written by Annica and Christian A Mölk.


Vers: Eb, Eb, Db, Eb. Eb, Eb, F, Eb. (med capo på 3:e bandet: G, G, C, G. G, G, D, G)
Refräng: F, F, Db, Eb (med capo på 3:e bandet: D, D, C, G)


Be brave, my friend, be brave
The journey won’t be hard
Slowly stomping heartbeat
Changing the rhythm softly to an angels song

Vers 1

Mamas rocking you to sleep
And papa is humming an endless rime
Companion yours in love forever
Never letting go, never ever letting go

You made your peace
With God, with man, with friend and foe
With mother earth, with all that’s breathing air
Take with you memories, both good and bad

Vers 2

Breathe in autumn, colour, cool and good
Winter-white, sparkling sunshine, ice and snow
Spring in blooming birth of life
And summer, hot caressing naked skin

A cup of sweet and bitter life
You gave your breath to fellowman
To short You say, I thank for every minute
So long I waited, says he that welcomes home

Vers 3

Good bye my friend, good bye
You gave me time, you leave me everything
I’ll miss you, but I never, ever leave you
Sleep well, dream good and wake with a smile

And while your there and watch my path
Be wind and soothing summer rain upon me
Whisper with the storm in dreams at night
I’ll see you soon, prepare my room


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